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12:00 PM12:00

Sunday Sewing Bee

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: We need a volunteer!

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 852 9806 5693

Passcode: 710651

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11:00 AM11:00

February Guild Meeting In-person and on Zoom and ABC Frenzy

Join us in-person or on Zoom for our February meeting. The hall is open at 10:00 am. Meeting starts at 11:00 am.

Our meeting will include our Block-of-the-Month raffle, members’ Show and Tell featuring your recent finishes, small prize raffle, 50-50 raffle, and free table. We will have a short presentation by Karen Wade of Bessie Pearl Binding who will show us a unique way to attach binding to your quilt. She will also be vending at the meeting. Learn more about her at: .

And please bring your canned/jarred/dry goods donation for the food pantry. This is a tough time of year and donations are very welcome.

Following the meeting, we will have our annual ABC Frenzy where we make ABC quilts for children in need.

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: Johanna Bjorken

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 852 9806 5693

Passcode: 710651

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: TBD

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 852 9806 5693

Passcode: 710651

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11:00 AM11:00

December Guild Meeting

Join us in-person or on Zoom for our December meeting. The hall is open at 10:00 am. Meeting starts at 11:00 am.

Our meeting will include our Block-of-the-Month raffle, members’ Show and Tell featuring your recent finishes, small prize raffle, 50-50 raffle, and free table.

Holiday Cookie Exchange: Bring cookies (preferably home-made) to share

And please bring your canned/jarred/dry goods donation for the food pantry. This is a tough time of year and donations are very welcome.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 827 3658 2478
Passcode: 384337

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: TBD

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 852 9806 5693

Passcode: 710651

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11:00 AM11:00

November Guild Meeting

Join us at our November Guild Meeting. In-person and on Zoom. Come early to socialize and shop!

Vendor: Little House Cottons.  Click this link to view their website.

The hall is open at 10:00 am. Meeting starts at 11:00 am.

Our November meeting will include our Block-of-the-Month raffle, members’ Show and Tell featuring your recent finishes, small prize raffle, 50-50 raffle, and free table.

Food pantry:  The church at which we hold our monthly meetings runs a food pantry, and Guild member Susan Sato collects member donations to the pantry at each of our meetings. Any shelf stable foods are welcome.  In preparation for the upcoming holidays, the pantry is requesting the following items:  canned pumpkin, cranberry sauce, vegetables, mashed potatoes, gravy mix, and anything else that is appropriate. Please NO bakery items. Contact Susan Sato at with any questions. Monetary donations are also accepted, and those will be collected by Andrew Hansen at the November meeting.

Aluminum pull tabs:  We will have a jar at every meeting, so don’t forget to bring in all the pull tabs that you’ve been collecting for the Ronald McDonald House!  Contact Annette Wallace at with any questions.

Fabscrap: In our efforts to recycle and keep textiles from the landfill, we will have our Fabscrap collection bags at our upcoming meeting. Fabscrap accepts: 100% cotton, wool, silk, along with mixed cotton/wool/silk/poly blends and upholstery fabric. They can’t process any fabric with lycra or spandex. They also do not accept upholstery samples, slip covers, bedding, clothing, linens, towels, or comforters.  Please contact Susannah Laskaris with any questions at or (718) 619-9020.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 827 3658 2478
Passcode: 384337

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: Margaret Marcy Emerson

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 852 9806 5693

Passcode: 710651

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1:00 PM13:00

Introduction to Foundation Paper Piecing Workshop with Nicole Ansbacher

We are thrilled to have our Guild member Nicole Ansbacher teaching a workshop on an introduction to Foundation Paper Piecing directly after our October meeting. There is so much that can be done with FPP, and Nicole has fantastic tips and tricks to make it simpler and very satisfying.

This workshop is open to eight people. Cost is $30. Please see the prerequisites below. We still have spots available.
If you are interested, please contact Poppy at: Please put "FPP workshop" in the subject line.

From Nicole: "In this class, we will learn how to sew a Foundation Paper Pieced quilt block using one of the beginner-friendly patterns I designed. I love turning these into quilted pillows, shirts, and more! Below is a photo of our quilt blocks from my last FPP class. It was a great day!

"Prerequisites: For this class, you MUST be willing to bring your sewing machine and other basic quilting supplies to the class. You should be comfortable using a sewing machine and cutting fabric."

WHEN:  Saturday, October 19, after our October meeting from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
WHERE:  Shepherd's Hall (our meeting location)
COST:  $30

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11:00 AM11:00

October Guild Meeting

Join us in-person or on Zoom for our October meeting. The hall is open at 10:00 am. Meeting starts at 11:00 am.

Our October meeting will include our Block-of-the-Month raffle, members’ Show and Tell featuring your recent finishes, small prize raffle, 50-50 raffle, and free table.

Vendor: Easy Piecing with Susan Sato

Introduction to Foundation Paper Piecing Workshop with Nicole Ansbacher follows the meeting. (Registration required)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 827 3658 2478
Passcode: 384337

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: We need a host! Please volunteer!

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7:00 PM19:00

Brooklyn Quilts Kick-off Show Meeting on Zoom

Our first quilt show meeting. It will be a general meeting covering a broad range of topics and will be followed by other meetings and conversations on specific topics.

All are welcome, including committee chairs and others. If you have any questions, please reach out to Martha McDonald ( or Kirsten Fisher, our show chair (

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 9805 4744
Passcode: 499995

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11:00 AM11:00

September Guild Meeting

Join us at our September Guild Meeting. In-person and on Zoom. Come early to socialize and shop!

The hall is open at 10:00 am. Meeting starts at 11:00 am.

Our September meeting will include our Block-of-the-Month raffle, members’ Show and Tell featuring your recent finishes, small prize raffle, 50-50 raffle, and free table.

Fence Show Quilts will be collected.

Vendor: So Beary Special

The meeting will be followed by our Pillowcase Palooza! — where we will sew pillowcases for sick children in hospitals. Our goal is to make 200 Pillowcases. Email Annette at if you have questions r to let her know you are coming.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 827 3658 2478
Passcode: 384337

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: TBD

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 852 9806 5693

Passcode: 710651

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: Johanna Bjorken

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 852 9806 5693

Passcode: 710651

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

We need a host — contact Margaret if you can host

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 852 9806 5693

Passcode: 710651

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: Johanna Bjorken

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 817 1699 0898
Passcode: 482943

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: Lily Shamos

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 872 5607 5301
Passcode: 560872

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4:00 PM16:00

Sunday Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: Johanna Bjorken

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 852 9806 5693

Passcode: 710651

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11:00 AM11:00

June Guild Meeting

Join us on June 15 for the last meeting of the calendar year. In-person and on Zoom. Come early to socialize and shop!

The hall is open at 10:00 am. Meeting starts at 11:00 am.

Our June meeting will include our Round Robin reveal, our Block-of-the-Month raffle, members’ Show and Tell featuring your recent finishes, small prize raffle, 50-50 raffle, and free table.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 878 8099 2910
Passcode: 212756

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: TBD

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 837 7785 7360
Passcode: 060540

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: Margaret Marcy

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 851 8728 7902
Passcode: 040345

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7:30 PM19:30

Special Event: The Color Lecture on Zoom


Boost your colour confidence and learn to use every colour of the rainbow in your quilts. Linda will discuss the basics of colour theory, demonstrate colour concepts, mood boards and share her tips and tricks on how to find colour inspiration in everyday objects to inspire, infuse and ignite the colour in your next quilting project.

Zoom meeting room opens at 7:15

Meeting runs one hour

Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 815 5169 8966
Passcode: 579957

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday, April 28 Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: TBD

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 813 8818 7757
Passcode: 055080

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11:00 AM11:00

April Guild Meeting

Join us at our April Guild Meeting. In-person and on Zoom. Come early to socialize and shop!

The hall is open at 10:00 am. Meeting starts at 11:00 am.

Our April meeting will include our Round Robin exchange, our Block-of-the-Month raffle, members’ Show and Tell featuring your recent finishes, small prize raffle, 50-50 raffle, and free table.

Guest Lecturer: Sue Fox Mitrano of Blue Fox Studio will give a lecture and trunk show titled, Shibori Magic  and will also be our vendor.

Sue’s presentation includes history, culture and production of both Indigo (the dyestuff) and Shibori (Japanese hand-dyeing techniques). This talk includes a slideshow with embedded video clips of her process, examples and discussion of inspiration and ideas for using Shibori fabrics. There is also a short livestream technique demonstration and a fun interactive activity to help attendees better understand a key aspect of Shibori techniques. Handouts with resources and reading list provided. (Approx. 1 hour)

Blue Fox Studio creates hand-dyed Shibori accessories and home goods. Owner Sue Fox Mitrano creates a large variety of scarves and wraps, kimonos, tunics/cover ups, tote bags, linen table runners, pillow covers, silk bags, tea towels, baby attire and more.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 861 0215 7312
Passcode: 098915

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1:00 PM13:00

Sunday, April 14 Sewing Bee on Zoom

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: TBD

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 6451 7167
Passcode: 807830

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1:00 PM13:00

March 24 Sunday Sewing Bee

Join with friends for our virtual Sewing Bee. Share your recent work, ask questions, and enjoy an afternoon of sewing with other members. Our Sunday sewing bees are “open house” style, so feel free to pop in and out throughout the meeting hours.

Host: TBD

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 861 1358 6130

Passcode: 992625

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